Secured Loans are the Key to Cheap Monetary Help

Released on = October 12, 2006, 3:12 am

Press Release Author = Andrew Baker

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Loans Fiesta puts before borrowers the secured loans at the
terms that they want. Here borrowers have a chance to decide the terms.

Press Release Body = The mere mention of collateral to obtain secured loans has many
a borrowers flinching. But collateral is not just beneficial for the lender in
reducing his risk in lending. The lender will in turn provide many a favourable
terms before the borrower. This is what Loans Fiesta explains to all prospective
borrowers who cannot decide if they want to go for secured loans.

Terence Carter at Loans Fiesta elaborates, "When the lender knows that he will
receive back his amount after the specified period, he has no need to up the
interest rate. The interest rate is very much dependant on the risk involved. With
secured loans, borrower knows that if he fails to repay, his asset will be
repossessed. So he better be punctual in repayments. So here we have a win-win
situation for both lenders and borrowers."

Loans Fiesta puts before borrowers the secured loans at the terms that they want.
Here borrowers have a chance to decide the terms. When borrower's application is
forwarded to lenders in the UK, they will respond by offering quotes on secured
loans. Now, a borrower can easily view what the quote on secured loans has in it for
him. Typical APR, easy repayment terms and larger amount of loan is somewhat assured
when searching secured loans in this manner.

Loans Fiesta has a wide range of personal loans, home equity loans, debt
consolidation loans etc. Visit for more information.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Calleva Park

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